
We can turn your memorial flowers into a beautiful dangle which may be displayed on a wedding bouquet or a car's rear view mirror.

The lobster claw clasp may be attached to a cord or wire on the mirror or bouquet.

We can reproduce your favorite photograph into a heart shaped charm to make this dangle truly special.


Simply send us 4 or 5 good size flower petals and we will turn them into a lasting memorial dangle.

We hand roll each bead and blend your flowers into the mix so they are forever embedded within the beads.



1. Leave the flowers out of water and open to the air prior to shipping.
2. Peel off flower petals and place on a paper towel and microwave for 20 seconds to remove moisture from the flowers. You may need to do this 3 times (60 seconds total).
3. Place in a zip seal bag.
4. Include a copy of your order with the flowers so we can match up your flowers to your order.

Please send your flowers to us at:



PO BOX 2054



We suggest using a shipping method that has a tracking number.


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